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Special sick leave from coronavirus.
Date: 13/07/2022 12:43

Extension of the validity of the regulation of Article 62 of Law 4886/2022 (A' 12) for the granting of special sick leave to employees due to illness from the COVID-19 coronavirus and its subsidization by the insurance company.

1. The provisions:
a) Paragraph 5 of Article 62 of Law 4886/2022 "Modernization of competition law for the digital age - Amendment of Law 3959/2011 and incorporation of Directive (EU) 2019/1 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 December 2018 on the provision of powers to the competition authorities of the member states, so that they can enforce the rules more effectively and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market and other provisions" (A' 12),
b) of paragraph 2 of article 15 of Law 4670/2020 "Insurance reform and digital transformation of the National Social Security Agency (e-E.F.K.A.) and other provisions" (A' 43),
c) the article 90 of the Code of Legislation for the Government and Government Institutions, etc. 63/2005 (A' 98) in conjunction with paragraph 22 of article 119 of Law 4622/2019 "Staff State: organization, operation and transparency of the Government, government bodies and central public administration" (A' 133) ,
d) of the p.d. 134/2017 "Organization of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity" (A' 168),
e) of the p.d. 8/2019 "Organization of the Electronic National Social Security Agency: e-E.F.K.A." (A' 8),
f) of the p.d. 81/2019 "Establishment, merger, renaming and abolition of Ministries and determination of their responsibilities - Transfer of services and responsibilities between Ministries" (A' 119),
g) of the p.d. 2/2021 "Appointment of Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Deputy Ministers" (A' 2),
h) of no. house 49876/14967/07-12-2020 of the joint decision of the Ministers of Labor and Social Affairs, Health and State "Definition of the electronic procedure for the granting of the sickness-accident allowance by the e-EFKA" (B' 5497),
i) of the decision no. 6924/27-01-2022 of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs "Special conditions and details for the granting of the special sick leave of employees due to an illness, from the COVID-19 coronavirus, its possible extension and the in general application of Article 62 of Law 4886/2022" (B' 291),
j) of the under no. 35432/13-04-2022 "Extension of the regulation of Article 62 of Law 4886/2022 (A' 12) for the granting of special sick leave for employees due to illness from the COVID-19 coronavirus and its subsidy by the insurance company" (A' 1820),
2. The under no. 61325/30-06-2022 introductory report of the General Directorate of Economic Services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

3. The fact that the provisions herein do not cause a financial burden on the state budget of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, but a financial burden is caused on the e-EFKA budget, the amount of which cannot be determined because it depends on the number of people who will use this and the days of the disease, we decide:

The validity of Article 62 of Law 4886/2022 (A' 12) is extended from the expiration of Law no. 35432/2022 (B' 1820) of the decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, i.e. from 01-06-2022 and until 30-09-2022, with the most specific conditions and details, defined in the no. 6924/27-01-2022 (B' 291) decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs on the granting of special sick leave for employees due to illness from the COVID-19 coronavirus and its subsidization by the insurance company.
This decision is valid from publication of in the Government Gazette.
This decision to be published in the Government Gazette.
Athens, June 30, 2022

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