Income taxation, urgent measures to implement Law 4046/2012, Law 4093/2012 and Law 4127/2013 and other provisions
(Government Gazette A' 167/23-07-2013)
We issue the following law passed by the Parliament:
The provisions of Chapter 4 of Law 4325/2015 "Reparation of injustices - Reinstatement of personnel - Mobility" include permanent and indefinite private law employees who are availability under this law, even if the time of availability has passed without their employment relationship being terminated. With the completion of the procedures of Chapter 4 of Law 4325/2015, the institution of the availability of Articles 80, 81, 82, 90, 91 and 93 of this Law is abolished.
According to article 39 of Law 4369/2016, for those employees who were placed on availability status based on the provisions of this law, the time of availability is considered as time of actual service and is taken into account for salary and grade progression. According to the article 70 of Law 4369/2016, employees who have been included in the final disposition tables of this law, have not been transferred/transferred until the publication of Law 4369/2016, in established positions, which have not been fully filled, may, upon their request, which will be submitted to the Administrative/Personnel Directorate of the institution they organically belonged to, to return to recommended staff positions in the specialty they held in the above institution with the same grade and in the same salary scale that they held during their position in availability under this Act.